The 8th International Workshop on Magnetic Wires
IWMW 2019 Abstract book
The *.pdf version of IWMW Abstract book is available via link.
Dear IWMW2019 Participants!
Thank you for participating in our Workshop! We sincerely hope that IWMW-2019 provided an excellent atmosphere for the exchange of ideas and the emergence of new collaborations. We are grateful to all participants for the significant contribution in the scientific success of IWMW-2019.
We take this opportunity to remind you that the deadline for papers submission is the 15th of October.
All details about the publication process you can find here:
We look forward to receiving your manuscripts.
Best regards,
IWMW Organizers

IWMW 2019 program
The latest *.pdf version of IWMW Program from 16.08.2019 is available via link.
About paper submission
Proceedings related to the 8th International Workshop on Magnetic Wires will be published as a special issue of the Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials.
The paper length is limited by 6 pages for plenary and invited speakers and by 4 pages for participants with regular contributions (with oral or poster presentation). Before submission please have a look at Guide for Authors for JMMM and select VSI: IWMW 2019 as the article type.
Open Date for Receiving Submissions:
Submission deadline:
The 8th International Workshop on Magnetic Wires (IWMW 2019) will be held in Svetlogorsk (Kaliningrad region, Russia) on August 21st – August 22nd, 2019. This is already a 8th Workshop on Magnetic Wires. Previous seven International Workshops on Magnetic Wires have been organized in the following locations: London, UK 1990; Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA 1994; Nagoya, Japan 1999; San Sebastian, Spain 2001; Zumaia, Spain 2008 and Bodrum, Turkey, 2010; Ordizia, Basque country, Spain 2015.
Magnetic wires have been available for more than two decades. During this time, the unique properties of these materials have attracted considerable interest for many prospective applications, especially, in the field of magnetic sensors and electronic devices. The organization of this meeting is based on the continuing interest of many research and technological groups in these materials. It is worth to mention that Magnetic wires are also important topic of research in the Russia and, particularly, in Kaliningrad, where this kind of research is carried out by the Laboratory of Novel Magnetic Materials (Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University).
Workshop topics:
- Magnetization process of thin wires
- High frequency properties and metamaterials
- Giant magnetoimpedance effect in thin wires and applications
- New wire-shaped materials (Heusler-type, Magnetocaloric, granular)
- Biomedical applications
Invited speakers:
- Prof. Yoshinobu Honkura, Aichi Steel Corp., Japan
- Dr. Mikhail Ipatov, UPV/EHU, Basque Country, Spain
- Prof. Egor Kanukov, Scientific-Practical Materials Research Centre NAS of Belarus, Belarus
- Dr. Nicoleta Lupu, National Institute of Research & Development for Technical Physics, Romania
- Prof. Pilar Marin, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
- Prof. Kleber Pirota, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil
- Prof. Faxiang Qin, Zhejiang University, China
- Dr. Kornel Richter, Kiel University, Germany
- Prof. Tsuyoshi Uchiyama, Nagoya University, Japan
- Prof. Konstantin Zvezdin, Prokhorov General Physics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
Proceedings related to the 8th International Workshop on Magnetic Wires will be published as a special issue of the Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (see details below).
We conduct 8th International Workshop on Magnetic Wires (IWMW-8) within a IBCM2019.
Organization fee for the workshop is 100€ and it will include attendance to all workshop lectures, meals for 2 days, coffee-breaks and gala dinner.
Local organizing committee of IWMW-8:
- Assoc. Prof., Dr. Valeria Rodionova, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Russia, (mob. tel. – 8(900)-346-84-82)
- Mrs. Irina Baraban, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Russia, (mob. tel. – 8(921)-851-25-65)
Programme committee of IWMW-8:
- Ikerbasque Research Prof. Arkady Zhukov, University of the Basque Country, San Sebastián, Spain
- Prof. Manuel Vazquez, Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales, CSIC, Madrid, Spain
Confirming International advisory committee of IWMW-8 who will take part at Workshop:
- Prof. Arcady Zhukov, University of the Basque country, San Sebastian, Spain
- Prof. Larissa Panina, National University Of Science And Technology “MISIS”, Russia
- Prof. Manuel Vazquez, Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales, CSIC, Madrid, Spain
- Prof. Del Aktinson, University of Durham, Durham, UK
- Prof. Rastislav Varga, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University, Slovakia
Abstract submission deadline:
Abstracts should be prepared as a .doc (.docx, .rtf) file according to he template and mailed to