International Baltic Conference on Magnetism 2015
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About Conference
IBCM 2015 will be held in Svetlogorsk, a resort town in Russia located on the shore of the Baltic Sea, from August 30th till September 3rd, 2015, at “Baltika” holiday centre (Vereschagina Str. 8). and “Russ” hotel (Vereschagina Str. 10). Svetlogorsk prior to 1946 known by its German name Rauchen is a coastal resort town located on the coast of the Baltic Sea on the Sambia Peninsula, 39 kilometers northwest of the city of Kaliningrad. IBCM 2015 is organized by Laboratory of Novel Magnetic Materials of Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University and by Ural Federal University.Main Topics:
- Magnetic materials for biomedical applications
- Manipulation of nanoparticles. Tweezers
- Hyperthermia
- Drug delivery
- Bio-sensors
- Teaching biomagnetism
- Simulation Methods
- Conference chairwoman: Assoc. Prof. Rodionova Valeria (IKBFU, Kaliningrad, Russia)\
Contact phone: +7-900-3468482 E-Mail: rodionova@lnmm.ru
- Conference secretary: Chichay Ksenia (IKBFU, Kaliningrad, Russia)
Contact phone: +7-952-1133403 E-Mail: ks.chichay@gmail.com
Program committee:
- Program Committee chairwoman: Prof. Kurlyandskaya Galina (University of the Basque Country, Bilbao, Spain)
- Dr. Litvinova Larisa (IKBFU, Kaliningrad, Russia)
- Prof. Granovsky Alexander (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia)
- Dr. Morales Herrero, Maria del Puerto (ICMM (CSIC), Madrid, Spain)
- Prof. Vas’kovsky Vladimir (URFU, Ekaterinburg, Russia)
- Prof. Fiorani Dino (ISM—CNR, Roma, Italy)
- Prof. Kupriyanova Galina (IKBFU, Kaliningrad, Russia)
Local committee:
- Mr. Baraban Alexey
- Mr. Belyaev Victor
- Ms. Chlenova Anna
- Mrs. Gritzenko Kristina
- Ms. Iglesias Irene
- Ms. Machay Irina
- Ms. Novoselova Julia
- Mr. Omelyanchik Alexander
- Mr. Rodionov Vladimir
- Mr. Shevyrtalov Sergey