Dmitry Murzin
Place of work, study: M.S, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University
Years of study in the Master program FunNAT: 2019 – 2021
Topic of master thesis:
«Three-dimensional magnetic field mapping with magnetoplasmonic crystal-based sensor»
Publications during the study in Master Course and after:
1 – Murzin, D., Mapps, D. J., Levada, K., Belyaev, V., Omelyanchik, A., Panina, L., & Rodionova, V. (2020). Ultrasensitive magnetic field sensors for biomedical applications. Sensors, 20(6), 1569
2 – Murzin, D. V., Belyaev, V. K., Groß, F., Gräfe, J., Rivas, M., & Rodionova, V. V. (2020). Tuning the magnetic properties of
permalloy-based magnetoplasmonic crystals for sensor applications. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 59(SE), SEEA04.
3 – Belyaev, V. K., Murzin, D. V., Kozlov, A. G., Grunin, A. A., Samardak, A. S., Ognev, A. V., … & Rodionova, V. V. (2020).
Engineering of optical, magneto-optical and magnetic properties of nickel-based one-dimensional magnetoplasmonic crystals. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 59(SE), SEEA08.
4 – Omelyanchik, A., Antipova, V., Gritsenko, C., Kolesnikova, V., Murzin, D., Han, Y., … & Rodionova, V. (2021). Boosting
magnetoelectric effect in polymer-based nanocomposites. Nanomaterials, 11(5), 1154
5 – Belyaev, V. K., Murzin, D., Martínez-García, J. C., Rivas, M., Andreev, N. V., Kozlov, A. G., … & Rodionova, V. (2021). FORC-diagram analysis for a step-like magnetization reversal in nanopatterned stripe array. Materials, 14(24), 7523
6 – Motorzhina, A., Jovanović, S., Belyaev, V. K., Murzin, D., Pshenichnikov, S., Kolesnikova, V. G., … & Levada, K. (2021).
Innovative Gold/Cobalt Ferrite Nanocomposite: Physicochemical and Cytotoxicity Properties. Processes, 9(12), 2264
Participation in grants:
1. Main executor in Russian Science Foundation grant No. 21-72-3002 “Development and research of multimaterials with
magnetic nanocomponents for additive 3d-5d technologies”, project started in 2021.
2. Executor government task No. 3.4168.2017 “Capture, retention and injection of a domain wall in wires with cylindrical
symmetry with diameters from submicrons to microns and control of the dynamics of the motion of the domain wall in them”, 2017-2019.
3. Executor in Russian Science Foundation grant No. 22-22-00997 “Development of a magnetic field sensor element based
on a two-dimensional magnetoplasmonic crystal for point-of-care devices”, project started in 2022.
4. Executor in Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation grant “Development of a sensor for
detecting constant and variable magnetic fields based on a magnetoplasmonic crystal”.
Named scholarships:
1 – Advanced scholarship of the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University
2 – Personal scholarship of the Governor of the Kaliningrad region
1. Internship to the department of magnetism of the Lomonosov Moscow State University
2. Internship to the Institute of Chemistry and Ecology of the Vyatka State University