Dear Colleagues
We are delighted to announce the Smart Composites International School,
to be held in a resort Kaliningrad region near the Baltic Sea.
The main focus of the School is providing young scientists the insights into the physics of composite materials for various applications.
The School is consists of two parts: for beginners and for advancers.
“Beginners” are welcome to pump their knowledge and skills in the field of desing and characterization of composites
during the two weeks from August 22 till September 2.
“Advancers” are welcome to attend the lectures of the world-famous scientists,
present the novel results and provide fruitful discussions from August 29 till September 2.
A School is a satellite event to the Conference IBCM 2021.
These events are going to collect leading and young scientists in one place giving them possibilities to share their experience in a welcoming atmosphere.
SCIS 2021 in numbers:
High-level scientists
Young Scientists
Young Scientists' Talks

- Magnetic particles
- Piezo particles
- Composites
- Smart composites applications
School e-mail: scis.smba@gmail.com
SCIS chair:
Assoc. Prof., Dr. Valeria Rodionova; E-Mail: rodionova@lnmm.ru
Programme committee of SCIS:
Prof. Larissa Panina, National University of Science and Technology MISIS, Russia
Prof. Yuri Raikher, Ural Federal University, Russia
International co-organizers of SCIS:
Prof. Claudio Sangregorio, CNR (Sesto Fiorentino), Firenze, Italy
Prof., Dr. Davide Peddis, Università Di Genova, Genova, Italy
Local organizing committee of SCIS:
Dr. Kateryna Levada; E-Mail: ELevada@kantiana.ru
Mrs. Valeria Kolesnikova; E-mail: VGKolesnikova1@kantiana.ru
Mr. Victor Belyaev; E-mail: VBelyaev@kantiana.ru
Our support