Date: December 8-12, 2019
Brasília, Brazil
Dr. Valeria Rodionova, Dr. Abdulkarim Amirov and phd student Alexander Omelyanchik took part in the “5th International Conference on Nanoscience, Nanotechnology and Nanobiotechnology“. The event was held from September 8 to 12 in Brasília (Brazil) at the University of Brasília.
During the conference Valeria Rodionova presented the invited talk «Amorphous, partially crystalline and crystalline magnetic microwires: from fabrication and properties to practical applications», Abdulkarim Amirov presented the report «Multiferroic polymer composite based on heusler-type magnetic microwires with combined magnetocaloric and magnetoelectric effects». Alexander Omelyanchik presented a poster entitled “Magnetic and structural properties of cobalt ferrite nanoparticles doped with zinc and nickel”.
Participation in the conference was supported by the Project 5-100 of IKBFU (http://eng.kantiana.ru/5-100/); the President of the Russian Federation grant, number MK-6182.2018.2; the Russian Federation government assignment № 3.4168.2017/4.6.
Invited talk:
Oral talk:
Multiferroic polymer composite based on heusler-type magnetic microwires with combined magnetocaloric and magnetoelectric effects
Abdulkarim Amirov, Dibir Yusupov, Arcady Zhukov, Valentina Zhukova, Valeria Rodionova, Akhmed Aliev
Magnetic and structural properties of cobalt ferrite nanoparticles doped with zinc and nickel
Alexander Omelyanchik, Gurvinder Singh, Mikhail Volochaev, Alexey Sokolov, Ivan Kozenkov, Valeria Rodionova and Davide Peddis