Dear Colleagues
We are happy to announce the Smart Composites International School 2022, on the week starting from 14th till 20th of August to be held in Kaliningrad – a resort region near the Baltic Sea.
The main focus of the School is to provide young scientists the insights into the physics of composite materials for various applications.
The School consists of two parrallel sections: for beginners (students) and advancers (young scientists).
Beginners are going to pump their knowledge and skills in the field of desing and characterization of composites.
Advancers are going to attend lectures of acknowledged scientists,
present novel results and take part in fruitful discussions.
Magnetic particles
Piezoelectric particles
Polymer-based composites
Smart composites applications
Invited Lecturers
- Dr. Ekaterina Elfimova – Ural Federal University
- Dr. Sofia Kantorovich – Ural Federal University
- Dr. Denis Kozulin – Institute of Chemistry and Ecology, Vyatka State University
- Prof. Elena Kramarenko – Lomonosov Moscow State University
- Dr. Liudmila Makarova – Lomonosov Moscow State University
- Dr. Olga Moskalyuk – Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University
- Dr. Farid Orudzev – Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University
- Prof. Larisa Panina – National Research Technological University “Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys”
- Prof. Nikolai Perov – Lomonosov Moscow State University
- Dr. Alexander Omelyanchik – Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University
- Dr. Fedor Senatov – National Research Technological University “Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys”
- Dr. Gennadiy Stepanov – Lomonosov Moscow State University
- Dr. Oleg Stolbov – Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
- Prof. Yury Raikher – Institute of Continuum Mechanics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
- Ms. Anna Lisevich – Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University
- Dr. Roman Vesnin – Vyatka State University
- Dr. Andrey Sosnilo – ITMO University
- Dr. Andrey Tsymbal – HSE University
- Mrs. Varvara Ivanova – Boris Shchukin Theatre Institute
- Mrs. Olga Komarova – Boris Shchukin Theatre Institute
- Prof. Roman Svetlov – Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University
- Dr. Natalia Nikolaeva – Psychologist of the highest category. Accredited Gestalt Therapist, Supervisor.
- Dr. Irina Vakoluk – Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University
Motivation letter and short quiz (Rus)
- Basic course of lectures from the world’s leading scientists in Russian and English
- The path from idea generation to its practical implementation
- Opportunity to choose your own scientific direction
- Gaining skills in experimental research and computer modeling
- Soft-skills training
- Practical skills of preparing a conference speech
- Presentation of your scientific results obtained during the first week of school
- Free of charge participation (amount of places are limited)
- Food is provided
- Well-being activities
- Tour in Kaliningrad and the region
- Nice souvenirs
- Full immersion in the scientific environment;
- Advanced course of lectures from the world’s leading scientists in English;
- Communication with recognized leaders of world science.
- Food is provided
- Tour in Kaliningrad and the region
- Nice souvenirs
Registration Closed
Dear participants of the SCIS 2022!
We are glad to announce that we have reached agreements on the placement of the proceedings papers of SCIS 2022 in the Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Physics (ISSN PRINT: 1062-8738, ISSN ONLINE: 1934-9432) for participants of SCIS 2022 .
The editorial board kindly supplied us with the basic rules for the Russian speaking authors (see below) and example documents which can be downloaded by the following link: http://izv-fiz.ru/ru/forauthors/.
Please, send your article before 15 September 2022 to SCIS publications committee via scis.smba@gmail.com .
After the SCIS publications committee has approved your manuscript, you mast submit the paper, whether contributed or invited, for publication in the Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Physics.
Social Program
Please note!
Additional payment for entrance to the ornithological station – 500 rub/per person in cash.
Excursion to the Curonian Spit is the most popular touristic route in Kaliningrad. The Spit is a long narrow land of sand and forest located on the southeast coast of the Baltic Sea. Its length is 98 km, and the width varies between 400-3800 meters. Being a natural phenomenon, its landscape attracts a big attention of scientists and tourists from all over the world. It is also in the UNESCO list, and in 2000 it was declared as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The excursion will be guided in Russian language.

Kaliningrad city tour is a good chance to get acquainted with the mysteries of this Prussian city in Russia. This tour includes a walking program (visit through of the Kant Island and the Fishing Village) and, the tour of historic memorial places sites in the city (such as King’s Gate, Brandenburg Gate, Rossgarten Gate, Don Tower, Wrangel Tower and Crown Prince Barracks) and the Royal Mountain and the Old Town visit, as well as familiarity with the current town. The trip will be guided in Russian language.

School e-mail: scis.smba@gmail.com
SCIS chair:
Assoc. Prof., Dr. Valeria Rodionova, E-Mail: rodionova@lnmm.ru
Local organizing committee of SCIS:
Mrs. Valeria Kolesnikova; E-mail: VGKolesnikova1@kantiana.ru
Dr. Kateryna Levada; E-Mail: ELevada@kantiana.ru
Mr. Victor Belyaev; E-mail: VBelyaev@kantiana.ru
Programme committee of SCIS:
Prof. Larissa Panina, National University of Science and Technology MISIS, Russia
Prof. Yuri Raikher, Ural Federal University, Russia
Prof. Claudio Sangregorio, CNR (Sesto Fiorentino), Firenze, Italy
Prof., Dr. Davide Peddis, Università Di Genova, Genova, Italy
Our support