Pshenichnikov Stanislav – Prague 2018

Institute of Physics Czech Academy of Sciences, Biophysical Laboratory, Czech Republic, Prague

From September 16 to November 14, 2018 a junior Researcher of the Laboratory of Novel Magnetic Materials, PhD student Pshenichnikov Stanislav completed an internship at the Biophysical Laboratory at the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague (Czech Republic). During the two-month internship under the leadership of Dr. Oleg Lunov (PhD, postdoc, head of the Biophysical Laboratory), together with the team of the Laboratory of Biophysics (on the photo), the cytotoxic properties of two types of magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles in biological systems were studied. As part of the trip, methods for determining the cytotoxicity of nanomaterials, methods of identification of apoptosis, necrosis and autophagy in the studied cell cultures were mastered. Methods for studying cellular structures by fluorescent and confocal microscopy have been studied, and protocols for quantification and visualization of the data obtained have been mastered. The studied methods will be used to conduct research on the topic of the thesis and the implementation of grants, including in the framework of the Project 5-100. According to the results obtained, an article is being prepared in a scientific journal with a high impact factor.

This internship became possible through the mobility grant provided by the 5 top 100 Russian Academic Excellence Project at the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University. Stanislav thanks BFU and the 5 top 100 Program for financial support and the possibility of internships, joint research with foreign colleagues and the exchange of experience. Junior researcher is grateful to his supervisor, Dr. Ekaterina Levada for setting the actual research task and helping to create the design of the experiment, as well as Dr. Oleg Lunov for the opportunity to acquire new skills and master modern methods of research.
