November 27, 2021
Young scientists of REC "SMBA" presented their results at BioSPM-2021
From 24 th till 26 th November two of our PhD students – Valentina Antipova and Sobolev Kirill participated in the 3 rd International Hybrid Conference-School “Scanning Probe Microscopy for Biological Systems” BioSPM-2021 that was held in the National University of Science and Technology “MISiS” (Moscow, Russia). It was an interdisciplinary congress, combining biologists, physicists and developers of the novel-type microscopes. Valentina and Kirill gave an oral talk on the application of SPM methods for smart composites investigation. As these composites are planned to be used as biological interfaces, the topic attached much interest from the community. During the event our team attended the excursion through the MISiS SPM lab, discussed the ongoing projects with the local researchers and made plans for the further joint experiments.
Valentina and Kirill acknowledge RSF grant № 21-72-30032 for the provided possibility to take part in BioSPM-2021.

October 30, 2021
Additional education at Sirius Center
From 22nd to 27th of October 2021 Valery Savin, the member of the REC “Smart materials and biomedical applications”, who is also a part-time teacher of additional education of “Center for talented children development“, within the professional development program was trained in the educational center “Sirius” on the course “Technologies of organization of pupils’ project work” in Sochi. During the course, Valery studied such modules as “Smart Materials. Nanotechnology” and “Unmanned transport and logistics systems. Space Technologies”.
This course is oriented to methodologists, teachers, experts and heads of regional centers involved in the organization of research and project activities of pupils. The main goal of mastering the course is to obtain the subject competences related to the support of pupils’ project activity and the ability to work with the team.
Valery Savin studied the theoretical basis for the implementation of project activities, methods of planning and control of this type of work, improved mentoring skills, construction of interaction within the team, as well as the organization of pupils’ own work.

October 29, 2021
We are pleased to inform you that we started the “Advanced methods of mathematical modeling in physics” – a series of scientific seminars, which are held within the program of the regional scientific and educational mathematical center “Sofia Kovalevskaya North-West Center for Mathematical Research” development.
Everyone is welcome: seminars are held every Thursday at 10:00 (Kaliningrad time).
Link: Conference ID: 943 7509 2537 Access code: 861347
On October 28, 2021, the first seminar “Molecular Dynamics Method in Condensed Matter Physics” was given by Yuri Dmitriyevich Fomin, researcher at the Institute for High Pressure Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
On November 11, 2022 the seminar will be given by Mikhail D. Vereshchagin, associate professor at the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University. The talk is entitled “Mathematical Foundations of Elasticity and Viscoelasticity Theory”.
On November 18, 2021, Dr. Shanawer Niaz (Assistant Professor/ Coordinator, Department of Physics, University of Sargodha, Sub-campus Bhakkar, Pakistan) will give a talk “An overview of Density functional theory (DFT) – What can it be used for?”
October 10, 2021
Delegation of REC "SMBA" at the International conference “Functional Materials” ICFM-2021 in Alushta

October 15, 2021
From August 4 till August 6, 2021, four members of the REC “SM&BA” have presented Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University at the Design and educational intensive “Archipelago 2021” which was held in Veliky Novgorod. Anna Motorzhina, Anna Lisevich, Kateryna Levada, and Alexander Rudakov in cooperation with colleagues from the Rostov State University of Economics, were developing the FutureTech Intelligent Center for Technological Solutions for a week.
Its goal is to promote the commercialization of scientific ideas and technology transfer. The work of the team took part in the track “Universities as institutions for the development of cities and regions.” The project was successfully evaluated by an expert group.

October 3, 2021
Researcher from REC “SMBA” presented a poster presentation at the SFM-2021 conference
In the period from 27th of September to the 1st of October, 2021, two members of the REC «SM&BA» – the junior researcher Victor Belyaev and master student Zoya Grigorieva took a part in the Saratov Fall Meeting Conference that was held in Saratov State university (Saratov, Russia).
V. Belyaev presented a poster «Magnetic field mapping with magnetoplasmonic crystal» devoted to the use of magnetoplasmonic crystal based magnetic field sensor to perform the magnetic field mapping of polymer matrix with embedded magnetic and multiferroic nanoparticles. The work was carried out within the framework of the Russian Science Foundation project № 21-72-30032.
Z. Grigorieva presented a poster «Development of a method for diagnostic Crohn’s disease using nanoparticles Fe3O4-Au», dedicated to the development of a method for diagnosing Crohn’s disease, – an autoimmune disease with inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, based on the use of hybrid nanoparticles consisting of magnetite and gold. The work was carried out within the framework of the Russian Science Foundation project № 21-72-20158.

September 20, 2021
REC "SMBA" visit “Actual problems of biological physics and chemistry. BPPC-2021 “
From 13rd to 17th of September 2021 head of the Laboratory of Biomedical Applications of the SMBA REC Katerina Levada, as well as PhD students REC SMBA Anna Motorzhina and Valentina Antipova took part in the XVI International Scientific Conference “Actual problems of biological physics and chemistry. BPPC-2021 “. The main topics of the event were general and medical biophysics, modeling in biophysics, biophysical chemistry and ecology.

September 13, 2021
In August, 2021, 6 members of the REC “SM&BA” entered a new level of education: Zoja Grigorieva and Mikhail Aronov entered the master programme “Functional nanomaterials and advanced technologies”. Anna Motorzhina, Valeria Kolesnikova, Dmitry Murzin, and Stanislav Vorontsov became PhD students at our University.
We wish all the best to the guys, fruitful study, and scientific success!

September 6, 2021
Scientists from REC “SMBA” presented the results of their research
At the IV International Baltic Conference on Magnetism: focus on nanobiomedicine and smart materials (IBCM-2021), which was held in Svetlogorsk, a resort town near Kaliningrad, Russia, from 29th of August till 2nd of September 2021, our members Valeria Rodionova and Valeria Kolesnikova presented the oral talk:
- “The dynamic control of magnetic elastomer surface for biomedical applications”
Girls are grateful to the RSF grant project № 21-72-30032 fundingfor the possibilty to take part in the event!

September 5, 2021
Our research results at SCIS-2021
This year, at the Smart Composites International School (for advanced), which was held in Svetlogorsk (Kaliningrad region, Russia) on August 29th – September 2nd, 2021, our members presented their poster presentations:
- Kirill Sobolev – “Scanning probe microscopy as a multifunctional tool to study polymer-based composites”
- Valentina Antipova – “Effect of magnetoelectric polymer composites on the activity of bNCSCs”
- Alexander Omelyanchik – “Magnetic properties of CoFe2O4/SiO2 nanocomposites”
- Abdulkarim Amirov – “On the prospects of magnetoelectric composites for biomedical applications”
- Valeria Kolesnikova – “FORC-approach for magnetoactive polymer-based composites”
We thank RSF grant project № 21-72-30032 for the possibilty to take part in the event!

21 August, 2021
In July, 2021, 5 students from the National University of Science and Technology “MISIS” have had one week’s practical training at the REC “SMBA”.
Alina Tatarova has learned the techniques of differential scanning calorimetry and has learned to investigate phase transitions in microwires and the Curie temperature using indirect methods. Alyona learned how to measure the temperature gradient during the current annealing of microwires with an infrared thermal imager. Ksenia Ivanova studied the effects of microwire composition and tensile stress on its magnetostriction. Tatiana Blokhina investigated the optical properties of nanoparticles for biomedical applications. Anastasia Masterihina synthesized polymer nanocomposites and studied their micromagnetic properties by atomic force microscopy.
At the end of the internship, the girls held a workshop for the REC staff to present the results of their work.
It has been a fruitful working week and we wish the girls further success in their studies!

2 August, 2021

29 July, 2021
- Zoja Grigorieva – “Development of a method for diagnostic Crohn’s disease using hybrid nanoparticles Fe3O4-Au”
- Mikhail Aronov – “A model of a smart composite based on a thermosensitive polymer for biomedical applications”
- Anna Motorzhina – “Magnetic cobalt-ferrite nanoparticles as a novel therapeutic agent for T-lymphoblastic leukemia”
- Valeria Kolesnikova – “Magnetic structure and magnetic properties of ferromagnetic microwires”
- Dmitry Murzin – “Three-dimensional magnetic field mapping with magnetoplasmonic crystal-based sensor”.

28 July, 2021
At the beginning of July, 6 members of REC «Smart Materials and Biomedical Applications» took part in the XXIV International Conference «New in Magnetism and Magnetic Materials» ( ). The conference was held online from 1th to 8th of July.
Master student Valeria Kolesnikova gave an oral talk «Micromagnetic structure and magnetic properties of ferromagnetic microwires». Master student Valery Savin presented results of his research «Investigation of accelerated motion of domain wall in a bistable ferromagnetic microwire 1st». Prof. S. B. Leble gave also an oral talk «Influence of microwire inhomogeneities on a head-to-head domain wall dynamics 2nd». PhD student Kirill Sobolev presented his work «Investigation of magnetic properties of MAX-phases in (Cr1-xMnx)2AlC system before and after sample purification via the chemical etching». PhD student Alyona Litvinova gave an oral talk on her research “Investigation of magnetostriction properties of amorphous ferromagnetic microwires in a glass shell”. In the section «Biomagnetism», bachelor student Zoya Grigorieva spoke about a new technique for diagnosing Crohn’s disease using ferromagnetic nanoparticles.
We are very proud of the work done by our researchers and wish them much success in the future!
We would like to thank the organizers of the conference for the opportunity to present and discuss the results of our research activities.

3 July, 2021
Dear Colleagues,
We are delighted to announce the Smart Composites International School (SCIS 2021), to be held in a resort Kaliningrad region near the Baltic Sea from 22nd of August till the 2nd of September 2021. The main focus of the School is providing young scientists the insights into the physics of composite materials for various applications. The School is consists of two parts: for beginners and for advancers.
“Beginners” are welcome to pump their knowledge and skills in the field of design and characterization of composites
during the two weeks from August 22 till September 2.
“Advancers” are welcome to attend the lectures of the world-famous scientists, present the novel results
and provide fruitful discussions from August 29 till September 2.
A School is a satellite event to the Conference IBCM 2021. These events are going to collect leading and young scientists in one place giving them possibilities to share their experience in a welcoming atmosphere.
If you have any questions regarding the school, please, do not hesitate to direct them to
We are looking forward to meet you at the SCIS 2021!
Wishing you all good luck and health!
SCIS-2021 chair: Assoc. Prof., Dr. Valeria Rodionova
Program committee of SCIS: Prof. Larissa Panina, Prof. Yuri Raikher
Local organising committee of SCIS: Dr. Kateryna Levada, Mr. Victor Belyaev, Mrs. Valeria Kolesnikova

29 June, 2021
The last year our postdoc Christina Gritsenko won a one year postdoctoral research position for the 2021 year at the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice ( She proposed a scientific project aimed with the magnetooptical investigations of 1D and 2D magnetoplasmonic crystals based on Permalloy. These studies are of a shared scientific interest of our Research and Scientific Center and the Nanotechnology Laboratory, led by Mgr. Vladimír Komanický, Ph.D.
In January-February and May-June Christina visited the University in Kosice to fabricate the first series of 2D magnetoplasmonic crystal samples by the electron beam lithography method.

20 May, 2021
In April 2021 the new experimental equipment arrived at the REC “SM&BA” – the scanning probe microscope NTEGRA, supplied by NT-MDT (Russia) (web-site: Our new microscope possesses wide scope of functions: atomic/magnetic/piezoelectric force microscopy, tunneling microscopy, nano-lithography, mapping of Young modulus, mechanical stiffness and adhesion. NTEGRA also provides the possibility to perform scanning in liquids which is extremely helpful when working with living cells. All the REC “SM&BA” researchers are inspired by the opportunity to study their functional novel materials (elastic composites, microwires, thin films, two-dimensional MXenes, cell cultures) with the new setup. Sergey Mitko, the engineer of NT-MDT, visited REC “SM&BA” laboratory in STP “Fabrika” for a week to teach our crew how to operate with the new device. The training was undoubtedly helpful, almost all the researches of REC “SM&BA” have participated in it and learned the important insights concerning their own samples investigation.

18 May, 2021
This week the Organizing Committee of the IV International Baltic Conference on Magnetism (IBCM): Focus on Nanobiomedicine and Smart Materials made the final decision on the conference abstract acceptance. The number of abstracts, submitted for an oral presentation, exceeds the amount of available time slots, however, we hope that everyone will spend a great time at IBCM-2021 and establish new fruitful collaborations. Thereby, we are happy to announce that 70 oral talks and 115 poster presentations will be given at the Conference, either on-site or online. We are also delighted to inform you that 31 students, who passed the comprehensive evaluation, will receive student support grants from the IEEE Magnetics Society for a conference participation.
Looking forward to meeting you soon at IBCM-2021!
7 May, 2021
Young researchers of REC “Smart Materials and Biomedical Applications” presented results of their scientific work at the 28th International Scientific Conference for Undergraduate and Graduate Students and Young Scientists “Lomonosov”. The conference was held on April 12th – 23rd at Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia in online format.
We congratulate our researchers who have received awards: Valeria Kolesnikova’s work received the best project award, Stanislav Pshenichnikov got the best oral presentation award.
REC «SM&BA» researchers are from a wide range of scientific fields. In the section «Physics of magnetic phenomena» bachelor student Zoya Grigorieva gave an oral talk «Developing a methodology for diagnosing Crohn’s disease using ferromagnetic nanoparticles»; master student Valeriy Savin presented the work entitled «Investigation of dynamics of motion a domain wall in a bistable ferromagnetic microwire»; master student Valeria Kolesnikova – «Investigation of the micromagnetic structure of ferromagnetic Fe-based microwires»; PhD student Alena Litvinova presented her work entitled «Investigation dependence of the magnetostatic, magnetostrictive and dynamic properties of amophous ferromagnetic microwires in a glass shell Fe7,5Si17,5B15 alloy on the internal stresses». In the section «Biophysics and Bionanotechnology» master student Anna Motorzhina presented her work entitled «Composite of cobalt ferrite nanoparticles substituted with zinc as promising tool for leukemia treatment»; PhD student Valentina Antipova – «Complex characterization of the properties of polymer nanocomposites and their influence on the adhesion of mesenchymal stem cells»; PhD student Stanislav Pshenichnikov presented his work «Control of oxidative stress in Jurkat cells as a model of leukemia treatment».
Our group is grateful to the organizers of the “Lomonosov 2021” conference for this opportunity to present and discuss our scientific results.

28 April, 2021
How to improve the magnetoelectric properties of polymer nanocomposites?
In a study by LNMM members, together with colleagues from the University of Genova (Genova, Italy), Uppsala University (Uppsala, Sweden) and the National University of Science and Technology MISiS (Moscow, Russia), two strategies are presented to improve these properties. In the first case, clusters of magnetic particles were distributed and oriented in a polymer matrix using an external magnetic field. In the second case, the improvement of the magnetoelectric properties was achieved by incorporating piezoelectric particles into the polymer matrix.
Detailed information can be found in the article.

28 April, 2021
How to fabricate the best FeRh alloy?
Our researchers with collaborators from Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia) and LUT-University (Lappeenranta, Finland) tried to answer on this question.
The article reports the results of studies of the magnetic and transport properties of the functional magnetic alloy Fe49Rh51, fabricated by various protocols of the heat treatment process. Using various sequences of quenching and the annealing we found the heat treatment regime for obtaining the sample with optimal magnetic parameters for potential applications.

26 April, 2021
Dear Colleagues,
Let us kindly inform you that the abstract submission deadline for the IV International Baltic Conference on Magnetism (IBCM): Focus on Nanobiomedicine and Smart Materials (to be held from the 29th August till the 2nd September 2021 in Svetlogorsk, Russia and also online) is extended till the 30th April 2021.
Please, note, that the abstract submission form is currently available on our web-site. There you can also find all the details regarding the Conference and any further updates.
Student support grant application deadline is also extended till the 30th April 2021
All the best,
IBCM Organizers
23 April, 2021
Dr. Valeria Rodionova took part in the 4th International Summer School and Workshop “Complex and Magnetic Soft Matter Systems: Physico-Mechanical Properties and Structure” 2021 Virtual Conference. The event was held from April 19 to 23. During the conference Valeria Rodionova presented the online invited talk «Magnetoelectric effect in polymer-based nano- and microcomposites for biomedical applications».
You can find out more information about the conference here.
Invited talk:
Magnetoelectric effect in polymer-based nano- and microcomposites for biomedical applications
Alexander Omelyanchik, Valentina Antipova, Christina Gritsenko, Valeria Kolesnikova, Davide Peddis, Kateryna Levada, Abdulkarim Amirov and Valeria Rodionova

18 March, 2021
Alexander Omelyanchik has been awarded for the online poster presentation at the 4a Jornada Francisco Tourinho conference. This conference was devoted to the memory of Prof. Dr. Francisco Augusto Tourinho who was one of the pioneers in nanoscience and who strongly contributed to the research and development of magnetic fluids.
You can find out more information about the conference here.

12 March, 2021
Dr. Valeria Rodionova took part in the International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”. The event was held from March 9 to 12. During the conference Valeria Rodionova presented the online invited talk «Amorphous, nanocrystalline and partially crystallized microwires features: formation of properties and modern applications».
You can find out more information about the conference here.
Invited talk:
Amorphous, nanocrystalline and partially crystallized microwires features: formation of properties and modern applications
Valeria Rodionova, Valeria Kolesnikova, Larissa Panina

12 March, 2021
Dr. Valeria Rodionova and Alexander Omelyanchik took part in the 4a Jordana Franco-Brasileira Francisco Tourinho (4JFBFT) 2021 Virtual Conference. The event was held from March 8 to 12. During the conference Valeria Rodionova presented the online invited talk «Boosting magnetoelectric effect in polymer-based nanocomposites» and Alexander Omelyanchik presented the poster presantation “Effect of ultrathin shell in CoFe2O4/NiFe2O4 and CoFe2O4/NiO core/shell nanoparticles on magnetic properties nanocomposites”.
You can find out more information about the conference here.
Invited talk:
Boosting magnetoelectric effect in polymer-based nanocomposites
Alexander Omelyanchik, Valentina Antipova, Christina Gritsenko, Valeria Kolesnikova, Davide Peddis, Kateryna Levada, Abdulkarim Amirov and Valeria Rodionova
Poster presentation:
Effect of ultrathin shell in CoFe2O4/NiFe2O4 and CoFe2O4/NiO core/shell nanoparticles on magnetic properties nanocomposites
Alexander Omelyanchik, Silvia Villa, Gurvinder Singh, Valeria Rodionova, Fabio Canepa, Davide Peddis

6 December, 2020
Our PhD student Sobolev Kirill visited University of Duisburg-Essen (Duisburg, Germany) from 6th November till 6th December 2020. Kirill had an internship within the framework of G-RISC Russian-German mobility grant under supervision of Dr. Ulf Wiedwald. Kirill was working mainly on the investigation of the magnetic properties of (Cr,Mn)2AlC MAX-phases and worked out the full-fledged set of data explaining their magnetism both in high and low temperatures. Also the background for the future collaboration on thin film MAX-phase synthesis was established. And even COVID-19 pandemic could not prevent this from happening :).

28 November, 2020
The Senior Researcher of the REC “Smart Materials and Biomedical Applications” Karim Amirov visited the National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU) in November 2020. The internship took place on the basis of the TPU Research School of Chemical and Biomedical Technologies, where Karim studied new experimental approaches to obtain thermosensitive polymer composites for biomedical applications. Also he gave a lecture entitled “Magnetoelectric composites for controlled drug release”.

6 November, 2020
Dr. Valeria Rodionova took part in the Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (MMM) 2020 Virtual Conference. The event was held from November 2 to 6.
During the conference Valeria Rodionova presented the online invited talk «Tunable magnetic anisotropy in amorphous-fiber-based structure for multiferroic applications».
You can find out more information about the conference here.
Invited talk:
Tunable Magnetic Anisotropy in Amorphous-Fiber-Based Structures for Multiferroic Applications
V. Rodionova. Laboratory of Novel Magnetic Materials, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Kaliningrad, Russian Federation

9 September, 2020

Dear colleagues,
Today we are pleased to announce that the submission of papers to Special Issue on “Magnetochemistry” is open. This Special Issue aims to provide a valuable forum for scientists to share their new findings related to both fundamental and applied research on magnetic hysteresis, which is a key property of all ferromagnetic materials. In this issue, special attention will be paid to two scientific problems. The first is predicting the behavior of a magnetic system during magnetization reversal, taking into account the known parameters of the system. Here, the most important topics are the fundamental theory of ferromagnetism and the modeling of hysteresis processes. The second is the determination of intrinsic properties of materials based on the observed magnetic hysteresis. On this basis, the topics to be covered can include but are not limited to:
1. Theory and modeling of magnetic hysteresis
- Ab initio theory of ferromagnetism, exchange interaction;
- Brown and related equations, statement of problem and solutions;
- Hysteresis curve modeling and calculation;
- Magnetization dynamics modeling;
- Novel methodic of precise hysteresis investigations;
- FORC analysis for magnetic systems.
- Structural properties and magnetic hysteresis;
- Domain walls: form, creation (nucleation) and propagation;
- Low-dimensional magnetism, novel 2D magnetic systems;
- Magnetic hysteresis and dimensional effects;
- Tailoring magnetic anisotropy in different kinds of materials;
- Mechanical and electric field control of ferromagnetism;
- Magnetic hysteresis in multiferroics..
Special Issue editors:
- Dr. Sergey Borisovich Leble
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Christina Gritsenko
Deadline for manuscript submissions: 31 March 2021.
For more information, please, visit website.
4 September, 2020
The head of the LNMM Dr. Valeria Rodionova together with researchers Victor Belyaev and Dmitry Murzin took part in the SPIE Optics + Photonics 2020 Digital Forum, which took place from 24th of August to 4th of September 2020. Within the conference, Dr. Valeria Rodionova presented the plenary oral talk entitled “Blueprint for DC magnetic field sensing with magnetoplasmonic crystal”. Also in the framework of the conference, the poster presentations “Characterization of magnetic field sensor based on magnetoplasmonic crystal with first-order reversal curve diagrams” and “DC magnetic field mapping using magnetoplasmonic crystal” by researchers Victor Belyaev and Dmitry Murzin were presented.
You can find out more information about the conference here.
Book of abstracts here.
23 August, 2020
Our PhD student Sobolev Kirill visited National University of Science and Technology “MISiS” (Moscow, Russia) to work on his current Mobility grant, provided by the Russian Foundation of Basic Research. The grant was won under supervision of Dr. Mikhail Gorshenkov, so, all the researches were conducted in collaboration with him. Kirill learned the perspective techniques to chemically purify MAX-phase samples and finalized the experimental protocol of phase-pure synthesis of these materials. In addition, an attempt was made to hot-press the prepared pure powders to dense tablets that can be further used as sputtering targets for thin film synthesis.
5 July, 2020
Magnetocrystalline and surface anisotropy in nanoparticles:
Members of LNMM together with colleagues from Italy and Spain released research devoted to the investigation of magnetic properties of ultrasmall magnetic nanoparticles. In such small magnetic nanoparticles, the surface anisotropy, internal cation distribution and spin canting drastically affect the magnetic properties.
In the presented study, we investigate how magnetic properties of cobalt ferrite evolve with the increase of size from 2.5 to 7 nm controlled by thermal annealing, and how thermal annealing affects those properties of the smallest particles.
More info you can find in the artircle.
16 June, 2020
How to manipulate a tiny cell? Easy: all you need – microwires!
Researchers of LNMM together with collaborators from Moscow and Prague have created a model of micromagnetic tweezers based on microscaled glass-coated wires for cell manipulations. Microwires are ferromagnetic, cytotoxic and very attractive to the cells doped with nanoparticles. More info you can find in the artircle.
22 May, 2020
Nanoparticles matters in cancer treatment
Research of LNMM scientists and their collaborators reveals the secrets of autophagy and apoptosis in human cancer cells.
The wide research performed with Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences (Prague, Czech Republic), Institute for Clinical & Experimental Medicine (IKEM, Prague, Czech Republic) and National University of Science and Technology “MISIS” (Moscow, Russia) describes details of intracellular cell death processes induced by iron oxide nanocubes and nanoclusters.
The results indicate that the cytotoxic effects of iron oxide nanoparticles require more intensive study and that they should be considered in biomedical applications, particularly in patients with liver diseases.
This prospect of development of cancer treatment became possible in virtue of 5-100 project mobility program.
28 April, 2020
Magnetic field sensor based on magnetoplasmonic crystal
How one can use plasmons to estimate the magnetic field magnitude? Easily using them to enhance the magneto-optical effects in magnetoplasmonic crystals. Here we give an explanation in a publication to Scientific Reports journal!
Open access link.
16 April, 2020
To be or not to be? Or maybe better two bi-stable microwires?
That is a question we have answered in our new article – link.
The paper describes the model of FORCs applied to the interacted Fe-based amorphous microwires and highlighted the advantages and disadvantages of this analysis.
The major part of the study was held at the University of Oviedo (Gijon, Spain) as a part of the 5-100 project in IKBFU.
17 March, 2020
11 March, 2020
Our first-year master student Valeria Kolesnikova won the scholarship competition for the best graduate students of universities participating in the Vladimir Potanin Scholarship Program. (link). It was a competition between 7 people for one prize and two stages: the absentia and intramural. Valeria did a great job in all stages of this competition and won her prize – the Vladimir Potanin Scholarship until the end of the master’s degree.
Congratulations to Valeria!

10 March, 2020
We are happy to announce that Dr. Maksudsho Nematov is a new post-doc of the Laboratory of Novel Magnetic Materials.
During his PhD he studied magnetic properties of ferromagnetic microwires for sensing systems in the National University of Science and Technology MISIS under the supervision of Prof. Larissa Panina. In the LNMM he will continue his scientific research in the field of soft magnetic microwires, their properties and applications.
We are very welcome Dr. Nematov and hope for interesting and fruitful work together!

10 March, 2020
The Laboratory of Novel Magnetic Materials is happy to announce that the new 2020 year we have started with an increase in the number of members.
We are happy to welcome new LNMM members:

Dr. Nikolai Andreev
Alma mater – National University of Science and Technology MISIS,
Field of research interests: thin films, transmission electron microscopy, scanning probe microscopy, magnetic materials and their structures.

PhD-student Alexander Martishkin
Alma mater – Saratov State University,
Field of research interests: micromagnetic simulations, Brillouin light spectroscopy, thin films and nanostructures.

PhD-student Danil Isaev
Alma mater – Moscow State University,
Field of research interests: micromagnetic simulations, programming, micro- and nanomagnetic structure, magnetic elastomers.
LNMM wishes all of you productive projects and scientific success!
4 March, 2020
Women who change the world!
A special article was published on the news portal dedicated to successful women-scientists at the I. Kant BFU. In this article, you can find an interview with the head of the LNMM laboratory Valeria Rodionova (article in Russian). Link to the article here.

10 February, 2020

Dear colleagues,
We are pleased to announce that the submission of papers to Special Issue on “Advances in Innovative Engineering Materials and Processes” is open. This Special Issue on “Advances in Innovative Engineering Materials and Processes” aims to promote research and developmental activities in innovative engineering materials and process engineering. It will stimulate further interest in materials and processes research. Potential topics of interest include but are not limited to the following areas:
- New advanced functional materials;
- Development of innovating post-processing and materials;
- Properties optimization techniques;
- Process design and optimization;
- Process synthesis and design;
- Process control and operations;
- Process safety management;
- Chemical and physical engineering fundamentals;
- Chemical and physical engineering equipment design and
- process design;
- Process system, instrumentation, and control;
- Nanomanufacturing;
- Environmental engineering and sustainable development;
- Multiscale modeling.
Special Issue editors:
- Res. Prof. Arkady Zhukov
- Prof. Sergei Alexandrov
- Ass. Prof. Valeria Rodionova
- Dr. Res. Assoc. Valentina Zhukova
Deadline for manuscript submissions: 30 September 2020.
For more information, please, visit website.