News 2016

27 December, 2016

Happy new year!

LNMM celebrated the upcoming 2017 year. We wish in these 356 days our family will achieve greater heights and strenghen already reached ones.

27 December, 2016

Preliminary defense of PhD-thesises

Sergey Shevyrtalov, Ksenia Chichay and Viktor Belyaev successfully passed the preliminary defense of their PhD-thesises at a meeting of the Scientific and Technical Council of Institute of Physics and Mathematics and Information Technologies. We wish you brilliante defense!

23 December, 2016

Ksenia`s Birthday

Dear Ksenia, on your birthday, we would like to take some time and think about all the wonderful times we have had ll together at lnmm. We are thankful for all the things that we have done as team and we look forward to making many more memories with you. We wish you brilliant PhD defence!

21 December, 2016

First-year bachelor students of LNMM

LNMM PhD students found very good pupils. We are proud to introduce you our excellent first-year bachelor students: Pavel Lanin, Yaroslava Tumina, Ivan Siotko and ! We congratulate you with excellent passed exam on Introduction in speciality and we are looking forward to continue scientific work with you. Thank you for wonderful and unbelievable cake!

8-11 November, 2016

Alexander Omelyanchik took part in XIV Kurchatov Youth Scientific School where he presented the oral talk entitled: “Investigation of magnetic properties of iron oxide nanoparticles”. During this time Alexander learned more about fundamental physics and at the first time presented his results as oral talk.

3 November, 2016

Lectures of Prof. Kohn and first Scientific Colloquium

LNMM took part at first Scientific Colloquium of IKBFU. The first lecture of this world-level scientific event was given by Prof. Kohn from National Research Centre “Kurchatov Institute”. The lecture attracted not only interested in X-ray phase contrast imaging scientists but a lot of students because the method of x-ray phase contrast is widely used in material science, biology, medicine, technologies for a nondestructive study of inner structure of objects. Day before Prof. Kohn gave one more interesting lecture entitled “Theory of X-Ray Compound Refractive Lenses”.

Prof. Victor Kohn


Home page:

Research profile:

15 October, 2016

The best poster presentation at IWSN-2016

Ksenia Chichay has won the first prize award for her poster presentation at IWSN-2016.

“I am happy that the international committee judged my presentation so high! This school, organized by Prof. Anatoly Snigirev and X-ray Coherent Optics Laboratory, was full of interesting discussions and brought new ideas for my research”, – Ksenia Chichay.

14 October, 2016

FunMagMa Logo

Sergey Shevyrtalov has got Best FunMagMa Logo Award! Our congratulations! We expect from him new achievements in design! Thank Sergey for finding the time to create both in physics and in the design art!

12-16 October, 2016

International Joint School “Smart Nanomaterials and X-ray Optics 2016: Modeling, Synthesis and Diagnostics”

School chaired by Prof. Anatoly Snigirev and Prof. Alexander Soldatov are held at Fabrika from Oct, 12 till Oct, 15. LNMM takes part in this event with one oral and 5 poster presentations:

1 October, 2016

Individual grants of FunMagMa center

PhD-students of LNMM Irina Baraban and Alexander Omelyanchik won individual grants of FunMagMa center for a research work. The goal of Irina’s research from October 1 to December 21 is a study of novel multiferroid structures based on piezoelectric polymers, FeSiB-based microwires and ribbons. The main task of Alexander in the dates from 16 November until 10 December is a design of current magnetic tweezers for biological objects and preliminary experiment of influence magnetic field created by a current in a wire on cells dynamics.

Our most sincere congratulations to the winners!

24 September - 1 October, 2016

Master-student of LNMM Alexander Omelyanchik has passed the training in managing the SQUID setup during the internship in Resource Centre Electrophysical methods, NRC Kurchatov Institute (Moscow, Russia) under the supervision of Dr. Andrey Emelyanov and Dr. Alexander Inushkin.

29 September, 2016

Prof. Andrey V. Petoukhov

LNMM attended the lecture given by Prof. Andrey V. Petoukhov. We learn more about ESRF and colloids. Victor Belyaev has got the prize for participation in dialog and for correct and quick answers asked by the lecturer. Prof. Petoukhov gave us the wonderful example how to learn not only physics but the Chinese language, too =) Lecture was very informative, rich and well-remembered!

16 September, 2016

FunMagMa project

Under the umbrella of FunMagMa members of LNMM got two scholarships, four research grants and one postdoc position. All of us are very grateful to be pioneers of such rapid developing strategic initiative that provides a lot of possibilities for realization of our thoughts and ideas!

7 September, 2016

Birthday of Sergey Shevyrtalov

LNMM congratulates Sergey on his birthday! Sergey is perfectionist and designer of our team both in scientific and art life! We wish him even more creative and scientific achievements.

 5 September, 2016

Irina Baraban visited MSU

Irina Baraban is at Lomonosov MSU now and she sends us smile (see photo below) and regards from Moscow:

“This autumn I am spending in Moscow in MSU. I visit many lectures with the students of the Magnetism Department of Physics Faculty. This internship gives me a real chance to get a lot of knowledges for passing my PhD exam in physics next year. I want to thank FunMagMa, steering committee and 5-100 program in our University for this opportunity to learn more, to research more and, as a result, to contribute more in science of IKBFU”, – Irina Baraban.

1 September, 2016

Valeria Rodionova’s Birthday

LNMM celebrated the Valeria Rodionova’s Birthday. We wish her good luck and success and excellent scientific results! More over, we are glad that 5-100 program has already started to work: first PostDoc of IKBFU in the framework of strategic initiative FunMagMa – Dr. Oksana Koplak – has joint us.

1 September, 2016

Introduction lecture

Oldest LNMM PhD students gave an introduction lecture to 1sy year bachelor students 2016. Viktor Belyaev, Sergey Shevyrtalov and Ksenia Chichay explained why they choose scientific career and how they achieved their good results in science.

26-28 August, 2016

Christina Happy Birthday!

Dear Christina, Happy birthday and we wish you all the best! We were glad to spend three days all together and share with you Your Day on Baltic shore!

23 August, 2016

Alexander Happy Birthday!

It was LNMM pleasure to share Happy-Birsday-table with Alexander, who is our talented, creative, interesting and interested collegue. We wish you, Alexander, all the best during your scientific career!

10-15 July, 2016

IEEE Magnetics Society Summer School 2016

Last year Victor Belyaev got the support from IEEE Magnetic Society and attended IEEE Summer School 2016 in Tohoku (Japan) from 10th to 15th of July. The Summer School was devoted to problems in different spheres of modern physics like nanomagnetism, magnetic materials in biology, magnetic recording, modeling and simulations. During the summer school Victor presented poster “Magnetoplasmonic crystals for sensor applications”.

4 July, 2016

Joint workshops with the Chemical Department

Series of joint workshops with the participators from the Chemical Department of Institute of Chemistry & Byology and LNMM STP “Factory” was held from May till July 2016. Meetings included seminars and labtours. Two groups from IKBFU found the ways of possible collaborations. Our collaboration can lead to cooperative work – ranging from tuning magnetic properties of microwires to the preparation and study of nanoparticles – and, obviously, will be useful for all parties.

3 July, 2016

Victor Belyaev got the mol_a grant support

For 2016-2017 years Victor Belyaev, as a leader of the scientific project, has the support from Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) for project entitled «Investigation of the dependences of magnetic, optical and magneto-optical properties of magnetoplasmonic crystals on parameters of their functional layers in wide spectral and temperature ranges and development of theoretical model connecting magnetic and magneto-optical properties for designing a sensor of external magnetic field». The main aim of this type RFBR grants is attracting young scientists into independent fundamental research and developing their leadership skills in research teams.

All works are planned to be done in Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University (Kaliningrad, Russia), Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia) and Far Eastern Federal University (Vladivostok, Russia).

1 July, 2016

Five members of LNMM got the support from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research

The members of LNMM, Alexander Omelyanchik, Irina Baraban, Sergey Shevyrtalov, Victor Belyaev and Christina Gritsenko, have got the support for short term grants from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR). These grants are dedicated for performing researches by Russian young scientists in different universities of Russian Federation under the supervision of doctors and PhD.

The project of Christina Gritsenko is dedicated to investigation of the exchange bias phenomenon and is called “Investigation of the structure and morphology of the surface layers of bilayered and trilayered thin films made of ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic materials in order to identify the mechanisms for enhancement of the exchange bias effect.” This work involves the investigation of thin films based on FeNi, FeMn and IrMn by methods of Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) and Transmission electron microscopy (TEM). All researches will be held under the supervision of Gorshenkov Mikhail Vladimirovich, – PhD from The National University of Science and Technology, MISiS (Moscow, Russia).

Irina Baraban have got the grant support for project that is called “Manufacturing and investigation of multiferroic composite structures based on a piezoelectric polymer and magnetostrictive layers with different shape, size and composition”. The main task of the project is to fabricate a new multiferroic structures based on polymers with magnetic microwires and amorphous ribbons with high magnetostrictive constant and to investigate the magnetistrictive properties and ME-effect. This project will be held under the supervisoin of PhD Leonid Fetisov from Moscow Technological University using the unique equipment of the Scientific Educational Center MIREA (Moscow, Russia).

The project that was won by Sergey Shevyrtalov is called “Investigation of mechanical stress influence from the substrate and layer thickness effect on 1st and 2nd order phase transitions parameters in Ni-Mn-Ga thin films with Ga excess”. This work will be held with Dr. Dmitry Karpenkov as a scientific supervisor from MISiS (Moscow, Russia).

Alexander Omelyanchik under the supervision of PhD Alexander Inyushkin from NRC «Kurchatov Institute» (Moscow, Russia) have got the support for project “Investigation of the dependence of magnetic properties of the suspension based on iron oxide nanoparticles on the pH-level”.

Victor Belyaev have got the support from RFBR for a short term project called «Investigation of local magnetic characteristics and micromagnetic properties of magnetoplasmonic crystals» under the supervision of PhD Alexander Samardak from Far Eastern Federal University (Vladivostok, Russia). This project is dedicated to investigation of magneto-optical properties and domain structures using nanoMOKE, Kerr-microscope and MFM.

24 June, 2016

Welcome to the Darkside or Victor’s Happy Birthday!

27/06/2016 was Victor’s Birthday and LNMM wants to wish to Victor excellent defense this year, more smiles and good flights with his new drone.

19 June, 2016

Last exam

Our congratulations to the best of the best LNMM last year PhD students!!!! All of them EXCELLENT passed their last exam!

LNMM wishes you productive summer!

7 June, 2016

 Happy Birthday of Vladimir

The 7th of June is the birthday of LNMM member Vladimir Rodionov. Today he heard many good congratulations and received a lot of presents. All colleagues and our group wish to Vladimir strong health and good luck during all his life.

1 June, 2016

Happy birthday, LNMM!

We are three years old! We feel like we are an organism: we work together, we help each other, we proud each other, we support each other! Let’s spend many years keeping these feelings!

21 May, 2016

All members of LNMM came together to discuss the results and share impressions of resent internships, conferences and other scientific events. The communication has been accompanied by a tea-party with a lot of sweets, brought from the trips.

14-15 April, 2016

Startup Tour 2016

The intramural stage of the StartUp Tour 2016 was held in Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University in Kaliningrad on the 14th and 15th of April. The goal of the tour was finding innovative and promising solutions and development of competencies of young startup teams in implementing their projects in sphere of high technologies.
Members of the LNMM also took part in this event and presented ideas in four different directions:
– Biological and medical technologies
– Biotechnology in agriculture and industry
– Industrial technologies and materials
– Energy and energy-efficient technologies
All presentations were discussed by the experts with high interest and classified as useful and perspective ideas. Experts asked a lot of questions that gave a possibility to look at the presented work from a different point of view and gave a lot of advices for improving the marketing strategy and development of a detailed plan for the fabrication of prototypes and their promotion on the market.
All members of LNMM were invited to the next tour in the StartUp Village which will take place in Skolkovo at the 2nd and 3rd of June.

1 april, 2016

We have website! We are looking to seeing here our friends and collegues!