News 2018
21 December, 2018
Best regards,
IBCM Organizers
20 December, 2018
On the 20th of December members of the LNMM Victor Belyaev and Irina Baraban won the mobility grants provided by German-Russian Interdisciplinary Science Center (G-RISC).
Next year Victor Belyaev will visit the Institute of Physics and Center for Nanotechnology in Munster where he will perform experiments under the supervision of Prof. Rudolf Bratschitsch and Irina Baraban will visit the Nano Magnonics laboratory in Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems in Stuttgart, where she will work under the supervision of Dr. Joachim Gräfe.
Our congratulations!
25 November - 15 December, 2018
In period from 25th of November 2018 to 15th of December 2018, Dmitry Murzin visited the Magnetism Department of M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University. Dmitry studies magnetic phenomena and the modern methods to measure the magnetic properties.
14 December, 2018

17 November - 8 December, 2018
During the period from the 17th of November to 8th of December, Irina Baraban visited the Laboratory of magnetic, optic and transport properties in Pavol Jozef Safarik University (Kosice, Slovakia).
5 December, 2018
LNMM project was supported at the competition “Start-2” by the Bortnik Fund
The project is aimed at identifying the fake products made of precious metals by analyzing the magnetic response. It is important that the project is implemented jointly with industrial partners, one of which is Krastsvetmet JSC – the largest manufacturer of jewelry and materials in the Russian Federation. The development was also supported by the Union of Pawnshops of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Industrial Policy, Development of Entrepreneurship and Trade of the Kaliningrad Region. The scientific head of the project is Dr. Vladimir Rodionov.

17 November – 2 December
Dr. Sonja Jovanović visited the LNMM
read more29-30 November, 2018
An annual meeting of the Spanish Magnetism Club and the Spanish IEEE Magnetics Society in Gijón (Spain) was held on 29-30th of November.
During this meeting special session devoted to young researchers in magnetism took place. One of our bachelor students – Kolesnikova Valeria – introduced her month work talk about the results of her internship to the scientific group from University Oviedo about the influence of the magnetic field parameters on the magnetostatically-coupled Fe-based microwires magnetic properties (by FORC-analysis). Also, she met the distinguished lecturer of the IEEE Magnetic Society Prof. Alison Flatau and the President of IEEE Magnetic Society, Prof. Manuel Vazquez which were sending greetings to all members of LNMM.
Valeria thanks Project 5-100 in IKBFU for the internship support.
19-25 November, 2018
Dr. Anna Semisalova and Dr. Sebastian Wintz visited the LNMM
11-17 November, 2018
During the period from the 11th to 17th of November, Victor Belyaev visited the Laboratory of Magnetism in University of Bialystok (Poland, Bialystok).
15 November, 2018
PhD-student Pshenichnikov Stanislav returned from the internship at the Biophysical Laboratory at the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague (Czech Republic).
26 September - 8 November, 2018
Alexander Omelyanchik visited the nM2-lab in Rome
Alexander Omelyanchik, a PhD-student of LNMM visited the laboratory of nanostructured magnetic materials (nM2-lab) of the Institute of structure of matter in Rome (Italy)
29 October - 1 November, 2018
Youth in Science-2018
Head of Laboratory Valeria Rodionova and researcher Vladimir Rodionov took part in the conference “Youth in Science-2018”, which was organized by the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus and held from October 29 to November 1, 2018 in Minsk. Valeria gave a plenary talk and took part in the roundtable on the development of scientific collaboration between the countries; Vladimir gave an oral presentation and received the best presentation award.
News in the media.
26 October, 2018
Alexander Omelyanchik visited the Institute of Electrical Engineering Slovak Academy of Sciences (Bratislava, Slovakia), where he gave a seminar on the magnetism in nanoparticles and presented some results of his work in this field.
18-21 October, 2018
Prof. Dr. Goran Karapetrov from Drexel University visited LNMM
15 October, 2018
Kateryna Levada started the internship to University Hospital RWTH Aachen, Germany
LNMM’s member Dr. Kateryna Levada started the internship with scientific project entitled: «Magnetic nanoparticles as diagnostic approach of the gut barrier and gut-liver communication». Kateryna is working in research group of Dr. Yulia A. Nevzorova from Clinic of Gastroenterology, Metabolic Diseases and Internal Medicine Intensive Care (Medical Clinic III) in University Hospital RWTH Aachen, Germany. Project was supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and German Academic Exchange Services (DAAD) in the framework of Michael Lomonosov program (Line B).

8-9 October, 2018
Meeting of the Members of the Russian chapter of the IEEE Magnetic Society
Laboratory of novel magnetic materials organized meeting of the Members of the Russian chapter of the IEEE Magnetic Society. The President of IEEE Magnetic Society, Prof. Manuel Vazquez, the Institute of Materials Science of Madrid, Spain, and the Head of the Russian chapter of the IEEE Magnetic Society, Prof. Nikolay Perov, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia, took part at this event. Moreover, in the framework of this Meeting, one of the lectures was presented by a special guest – distinguished lecturer of the IEEE Magnetic Society – Alison Flatau, University of Maryland, USA. During the meeting, everyone was informed about the possibilities of the IEEE Magnetic Society. We thank the Russian Academic Excellence Project «5-100» at the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University and IEEE Magnetic Society for financial support of this event.
4 October, 2018
Project of LMNN was approved
According to the results of the competition for the best research projects conducted by leading youth teams with the support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR_results), a project of laboratory of magnetic nanomaterials “Complex research of the magnetoelectric effect in in the developed and created triple-component elastomers for their application for use as active biological interfaces” number 18-32-20219 under the leadership of Rodionova Valeria was approved. Our congratulations!

17-30 September, 2018
Prof. Dr. Montserrat Rivaz from Gijón Polytechnic School visited LNMM
14 September, 2018
At the State Museum of Fine Arts named after A.S. Pushkin (Moscow) passed the XII L’Oreal-UNESCO national scholarship ceremony “For Women in Science“. One of the winners is the head of the Laboratory of Novel Magnetic Materials at the IKBFU Dr. Valeria Rodionova.
Our congratulations!
14 September, 2018
8th International Conference: “Nanomaterials: Application & Properties”
From 8 to 14 of September 2018 members of Laboratory of novel magnetic materials have been taken part in 8th International Conference: “Nanomaterials: Application & Properties”, Zatoka, Ukraine. Irina Baraban, Christina Gritsenko and Alex Omelyanchik had won the students grants from IEEE Magnetic Society for this Conference. Dr. Valeria Rodionova had invited talk titled “Nano- and Microwire Based Architectures for Practical Applications”. Alex Omelyanchik has awarded Best Poster Award with poster “Magnetic Interactions in Powder and Pressed α-Iron Nanoparticles” and had received money prize from IEEE.
Whole team thanks 5 top 100 project in framework Russian Academic Excellence Project at the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University.
7 September, 2018
Joint European Symposium on Magnetism
From 3 to 7 of September 2018 members of Laboratory of novel magnetic materials have been participating in Joint European Symposium on Magnetism Mainz, Germany. Karim Amirov presented his oral talk, other guys had presented their poster presentations. For all of us, this huge scientific event was very interesting to learn new trends in magnetism. Also, new collaborations were established and the old ones were strengthened. The whole team thanks 5 top 100 project in framework Russian Academic Excellence Project at the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University.
13-18 August, 2018
Prof. Larissa Panina from National University of Science and Technology «MISIS» visited LNMM
read more7 August, 2018
Ph.D. Chemistry Elena A. Rozhkova, scientist from Argonne National Laboratory visited LNMM
read more27 July, 2018
Mark`s Birthday
Our sincere congratulation to Mark Nosan with Happy Birthday! Keep working on brilliant ideas you have! We wish you a sea of time and an ocean of energy!Our sincere congratulation to Mark Nosan with Happy Birthday! Keep working on brilliant ideas you have! We wish you a sea of time and an ocean of energy!
16 July, 2018

16-20 July 2018
Victor Belyaev attended 11th International Conference of Electrical, Transport, and Optical Properties on Inhomogeneous Media which was held in Krakow, Poland, July 16-20, 2018.
2 July - 2 August 2018
This July our bachelor student Kolesnikova Valeria had her first scientific trip to the Dept. of Physics, the University of Oviedo, Gijón Polytechnic School in Spain in the laboratory which researches magnetic materials with a focus on bio-applications of magnetic nanoparticles, bio-sensing, and FORC-analysis. Under the leadership of the head of the laboratory Dr. Montserrat Rivaz, she improved knowledge in induction diagnostic for microwires and did a lot of measurements. This internship was possible because of supporting the Project 5-100 ( in IKBFU (
Valeria shared her feelings:

” This internship is a huge opportunity for me to study a lot of new interesting information about inductive magnetic measurements and also meeting cool Spanish researchers. Thanks, Project 5-100 and LNMM IKBFU for this opportunity!”.

22 May, 2018
Professor Mitsuteru Inoue gave a lecture as Distinguished Lecturer of IEEE magnetic society
Prof. M. Inoue from Toyohashi University of Technology (Toyohashi, Japan) visited LNMM and gave lecture “Phase interference in artificial magnetic gratings: theory and application in optical, high-frequency and spin-wave devices». The results of his theoretical studies and description of working prototypes were demonstrated. This year Prof. M. Inoue is going to give more than 130 lectures all around the world and we are the 31st in this list.The joint research topics and some interest problems for collaboration with LNMM team also were discussed. It is our honor and pleasure to host high-level scientist in Kaliningrad!
1 March - 30 April, 2018
“YOUscience” ceremony
At the ceremony “YOUscience” of the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Christina Gritsenko and Mark Nosan (1st year Master students) were awarded in nomination “For published scientific articles”, Head of our lab – Dr. Valeria Rodionova got diploma in category “Scientific advisor”.Congratulations!
1 March - 30 April, 2018
18 May, 2018
On 10th of April, there was an International scientific conference of students and young scientists “Lomonosov-2018” at Lomonosov Moscow State University. And one of our bachelor student Kolesnikova Valeria introduced her first report about the effect of temperature at large plastic deformation on the magnetic properties of amorphous iron-based alloys.
Congratulations to Valerie on the first successful scientific speech!
1 February, 2018
Two of our PhD students, Mr. Sobolev Kirill and Mrs. Irina Baraban, passed a large-scale competitive selection and finally were accepted to participate in the 2018 IEEE Magnetics Society Summer School which will be held in June 2018 in Quito, Ecuador. IEEE Magnetics Society will reimburse them all the expenses, such as transport and accommodation costs, meals. Kirill and Irina will attend lectures, given by the worldwide known researchers of magnetism. This lectures will cover all the most fascinating topics of today’s magnetism: nanoscale magnetism, spintronics, magnetic recording, functional magnetic materials synthesis and applications. Also our students will present their own scientific results on the poster sessions and discuss them with the international team of researchers.
The detailed information about the Summer School can be found here.
We’d like to congratulate Kirill and Irina with their acceptance and wish them good luck!
20 March, 2018
The research projects «Multicaloric effect in magnetoelectric composites based on La-Fe-Si and Fe-Rh» (№ 18-32-01036) of Dr. Karim Amirov and «Investigation of the interrelation between the magnetic interaction of ferromagnetic nanoparticles in exchange-coupled multifunctional nanocomposites with different types of magnetic ordering of the ferroelectric components» (№18-32-01016) of PhD student Alexander Omelyanchik were supported from Russian Foundation for Basic Research. We congratulate Karim and Alexander, wish successful realization of research projects.

18 May, 2018
The research projects of LNMM’s members Dr. Karim Amirov and Dr.rer.nat. Katerina Levada were supported in the framework of Michael Lomonosov program, Line B for doctoral candidates and young researchers from 15.09.2018 till 15.12.2018, which funding by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and German Academic Exchange Services (DAAD).
We congratulate the Karim and Katerina, wish successful research and internship in Germany.