
20 December, 2019
On the 20th of December, 2019 the members of the LNMM Valeria Kolesnikova and Kirill Sobolev won the mobility grants provided by the German-Russian Interdisciplinary Science Center (G-RISC). In May 2020 Valeria will visit Prof. Rudolf Schäfer’s group in the Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research (IFW Dresden) and Kirill Sobolev will visit Dr. Ulf Wiedwald in Faculty of Physics, University of Duisburg-Essen.

11-13 December, 2019
Dr. Kateryna Levada, PhD student Stanislav Pshenichnikov and master student Anna Motorzhina visited the “School of Nanomedicine 2019” held in Trieste (Italy) (11-13th of December). The event was dedicated to advanced developments in the field of nanomedicine: nanopreparations, the nanodevices and advanced materials. Participants actively discussed the research trends in these areas. The school actively contributed to establishing scientific cooperation with experts from the European countries.
Stanislav Pshenichnikov:

“Participation in School of Nanomedicine 2019 enabled to explore the main issues involved in designing new materials and devices for nanomedicine – biocompatibility, predictability and reproducibility, as well as economic viability. Open format discussions at the event revealed the need for an interdisciplinary approach for researchers to address the scientific challenges“.
LNMM thanked the Russian Academic Excellence Project (Project 5-100) for the financial support and the opportunity to participate in the event.

30 November, 2019
Dr. Valeria Rodionova entered the shortlist for the Materials Today Agents of Change Awards 2019. Each year the Materials Today Agents of Change awards recognise initiatives that are taking practical steps to encourage a more inclusive materials science research community. The focus of the 2019 awards is initiatives and programmes that focus on driving gender equality within the materials science research community.
On a webpage of Agents of Change 2019 shortlist are written:
“Dr. Valeria Rodionova launch of a series of colloquia addressing specific challenges that women face in undertaking research in materials science. They would be held in schools and universities across the Kaliningrad region of Russia.”
On a special webpge dedicated to Dr. Valeria Rodionova initiative are written:
“The laboratory members promote gender equality and provide different activities directed to solving the problem of women representation in science. This year the laboratory won the prize of the best poster presentation at the Inspiring Women in Science event held at The International Conference on Fine Particle Magnetism -2019 (Gijón, Spain)[read more here].
The aim of the proposed initiative is to encourage young girls (pupils or students) to choose doing research and take jobs in materials science and, more generally, in STEM(Science, Techology,Engeneering and Mathematics).”
We congratulate Dr.Valeria Rodionova on her well-deserved inclusion in the Agents of Change Awards 2019 shortlist and express hope in her further fruitful activity on driving gender equality within the materials science research community🎉🎉🎉.

23 October - 17 December, 2019
From October 23 to December 17, 2019, bachelor student of the Laboratory of New Magnetic Materials Savin Valeriy under the project 5-100 completed the internship in the University of the Basque Country, San Sebastian, Spain. Under the guidance of a professor Arkady Zhukov at the Laboratory of Magnetism the student was studying methods for researching the magnetic characteristics of ferromagnetic microwires, the dynamic characteristics of the domain wall during the magnetization reversal of bistable microwires, as well as factors that influence the change in these characteristics.

Valeriy Savin:
“This internship is my first international trip as part of my work in the Laboratory of New Magnetic Materials and very significant experience for me. Due to this trip, I was able to study in detail the dynamic parameters of the domain wall during the magnetization reversal of microwires, I learned a lot about microwires themselves and their magnetic characteristics. While working with the team of Professor Arkady Zhukov, I studied in more detail the processes of measuring various properties of microwires, because microwires are very small and quite fragile, so working with them is a very delicate process. I am sure that the experience gained during the internship will play a very important role in my future researches .”
This internship was supported by the Project 5-100 of IKBFU(

23 October -14 November, 2019
LNMM master student Valeria Kolesnikova visited Prof. Rudolf Schäfer’s group in the Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research (IFW Dresden) in Germany from 23rd of October to 14th of November. This scientific group specialize in studying of magnetic structures (magnetic domains) with different scales (from nanometers to millimetres) by Kerr microscopy. Valeria Kolesnikova improved her knowledge in the domain structure of microwires and made a set of measurements under the leadership of Dr. Ivan Soldsov.

Valeria Kolesnikova:
“Thanks to this internship, I learned more about the KERR-microscopy and the micromagnetic structures. It was a pleasure for me to work with Prof. Rudolf Schäfer’s group. Thanks to Project 5-100 and IKBFU for this opportunity! “
This internship was supported by the Project 5-100 of IKBFU(

7-9 October, 2019
EBS workshop on X-ray Spectroscopy of Magnetic Materials ( took part on the 7 – 9 October 2019 at the ESRF, Grenoble, France. This workshop was a fruitful forum for informal discussion of new results and future projects of synchrotron-radiation-based research on magnetism and also served for the formation of the new collaborations. Members of the Laboratory of Novel Magnetic Materials took part in this event.
PhD-student Kirill Sobolev presented a poster on the magnetic properties of highly pure MAX-Phases. The first-year master student Valeria Kolesnikova had a poster presentation about magnetic properties of amorphous and multiphase microwires.
At the end of the Workshop, Kirill and Valeria had an excursion to the ESRF beamlines that offer unique possibilities in the field of magnetic spectroscopy using XMCD/XMLD under multiple extreme conditions such as high field, low temperatures and high pressures as well as magnetic dichroism in Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering.

16-21 September, 2019
Dr. Kateryna Levada and Stanislav Pshenichnikov took part in the VI Congress of Biophysicists of Russia. The event was held from September 16 to 21 in Sochi (Russia) at the Sirius Educational Center.
During the conference Kateryna Levada presented the oral talk «Application of magnetic nanoparticles in theranostics of liver diseases and cell manipulation», Stanislav Pshenichnikov presented the report «Characterization of the influence of magnetic fields, nanoparticles and ferromagnetic microwires on the viability of human peripheral blood and t-lymphoblasts».
The wide coverage of the problems studied and the interdisciplinary nature of the reports presented make it possible to trace the main trends in the study of biophysics and related sciences. Presentation of the results of our own research at the Congress allowed us to conduct a fruitful scientific dialogue and receive a critical assessment from fellow biophysicists.
This participation was supported by the RSF grant № 17-12-01569 “Development of physical bases for creation of electro-magnetic manipulators based on microwires”.

4-7 September, 2019
The prize for Best Oral presentation by Young Scientists went to the first-year master student Valeria Kolesnikova at the 24th Soft Magnetic Materials Conference which was held at the Poznań University of Technology on the 4-7th of September ( She gave a talk about the influence of complex technical parameters on the magnetic and structural properties of ferromagnetic microwires. Three prizes were awarded to the young scientists presented the best Posters and only one prize awarded to the best Oral presentation.
More than 250 participants from different countries were attending this event. And our laboratory members Irina Baraban and Valeria Kolesnikova also took part in this nice conference and met a lot of great scientists and discussed new ideas and further collaborations.
Irina had a poster presentation about the effect of glass removal on the magnetic properties and micromagnetic structure in amorphous FeSiB microwires. Her work found an interest for scientists from Slovakia, France, Japan and Poland.
Besides the oral talk, Valeria also had a poster talk with the title “Do Fe-based bistable microwires behave as ideal hysteron in FORC measurements?“. This poster caused discussions among the scientists from Spain, Cheh Republic, Germany and Brasil.
Congratulations to LNMM members with their successful participation!
26-31 August, 2019
LNMM’s PhD student Sobolev Kirill gave an oral presentation on «Joint European Magnetic Symposia (JEMS 2019)» international conference which was held on 26-31 August 2019 in Uppsala, Sweden. Kirill visited the variety of talks dedicated to the most up-to-date topics in magnetism: spintronics, functional magnetic materials, novel magnetic phenomena, etc. Kirill communicated and establish connections with colleagues from all over the world which will help for the further collaborations of LNMM.
This participation was supported by the Russian Academic Excellence Project «5-100» at the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University.

22-24 August, 2019
The meeting of Governing Council of The Asian Union of Magnetics Societies (AUMS) held on August 22-24, 2019 based on the IKBFU. The Council consists of representatives from five Asian countries: Japan, China, Korea, Vietnam and Taiwan. According to the results of the meeting, the Russian and Vietnam magnetic community were accepted into the AUMS. This is a very important step for conducting joint research and working on international scientific grants. In addition, the AUMS is interested in the future student exchange and in International Master of Science Study Program “Functional Nanomaterials and Advanced Technology” developed by LNMM.

19-22 August, 2019
The III International Baltic Conference on Magnetism (IBCM 2019) took place in Svetlogorsk from 19th to 22nd of August. This conference was dedicated to novel smart magnetic materials, devices based on them and their applications in biomedicine and biotechnologies. 170 participants from 16 cities of Russia and 21 countries of the world attended the conference. Four magnetic communities supported the conference: Russian, European, American and Asian.

The 8th International Workshop on Magnetic Wires (IWMW 2019) was the satellite event of the IBCM conference. It took place from 21st to 22nd of August. 42 participants arrived from 12 countries of the world – Russia, Belarus, Brazil, China, Finland, Japan, Moldova, Germany, Slovakia, Spain, Romania and the UK. Among the participants were representatives of leading scientific centers of the world: UPV / EHU, Basque Country, Spain; National Institute of Research & Development for Technical Physics, Romania; Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain; Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil; Kiel University, Germany; Nagoya University, Japan; Prokhorov General Physics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia; as well as industry representatives (Aichi Steel Corp., Japan).

23-26 July, 2019
Between 23rd and 26th of July 2019, members of LNMM Murzin Dmitry and Victor Belyaev took part in the Magnetics and Optics Research International Symposium MORIS 2019 ( held at Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic. Murzin Dmitry presented a poster entitled “Sensitivity tuning of magnetic field sensor based on magnetoplasmonic crystal” and Victor Belyaev gave an oral presentation on “High Sensitive DC Mangetic Field Sensor Based on Magetoplasmonic Crystal”.
8-13 July, 2019
Between 8 and 13 July, the LNNM senior researcher Karim Amirov took part in VII Euro-Asian Symposium «Trends in MAGnetism» (EASTMAG–2019), which were held in Ekaterinburg, Russia.
Karim presented the oral talk «Multicaloric effects in magnetoelectric composites», which devoted to recent results of his project funded by Russian Scientific Foundation (№ 18-79-10176).
«EASTMAG» is a traditional scientific event on magnetism and magnetic material, which held every three years. This series of symposia started in the Institute of Metal Physics UB RAS (the city of Ekaterinburg, Russia) in 2001.

1-4 July, 2019
Between 1 and 4 of July members of LNMM Dr. Kateryna Levada, Victor Belyaev and Stanislav Pshenichnikov took part in the CTCT 5.0 International Conference (5th International Conference “Current Trends in Cancer Theranostics”) which was held in the vicinity of Trakai, Lithuania.
During the conference Kateryna Levada presented the oral talk «Magnetic Nanoparticles As Novel Theranostic Approach», Viktor Belyaev presented the report «Multifunctional Magnetic Materials For Biomedical Applications». Stanislav Pshenichnikov took part in the poster session, and also made an oral report on the research topic “The effect of various strengths static magnetic field on human peripheral blood mononuclear and T-lymphoblasts Jurkat cells viability”.
The conference, dedicated to advanced research in the field of cancer theranostics, facilitated the exchange of experience and the establishment of cooperation between LNMM members and leading researchers from universities in Europe, Canada and others.
The team of the LNMM thanks to the 5 top 100 Russian Academic Excellence Project (Project 5-100) for financial support.

6 June, 2019
Alexander Omelyanchik won PhD-students research grant to carry out a research on the topic “Synthesis and crystallographic and magnetic characterization of high magnetic density Fe-N superstructures“, at the Department of Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry of University of Genoa.

22 May-22 June, 2019
From May 22 to June 22, 2019, a Junior Researcher of the Laboratory of Novel Magnetic Materials, PhD student Pshenichnikov Stanislav completed a scientific internship at the Laboratory of Biophysics, Institute of Physics, Czech Academy of Sciences. During the internship under the leadership of Dr. Oleg Lunov (Ph.D., postdoc, head of the Biophysical Laboratory), together with the team of the Laboratory of Biophysics, series of experiments on magnetic nanoparticles and microwires were completed.
Experimental data obtained during the trip compete with the previous studies of magnetic nanoparticles. It is planned to publish a paper on the obtained experimental data. Obtained skills and scientific results will be used for microtweezer systems developing during future internships.
This internship became possible through the mobility grant provided by the 5 top 100 Russian Academic Excellence Project at the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University. Stanislav thanks BFU and the 5 top 100 Program for financial support and the possibility of internships, joint research with foreign colleagues and the exchange of experience. The junior researcher is grateful to Dr. Oleg Lunov for the opportunity to acquire new skills and master modern methods of research, as well as supervisor Dr. Ekaterina Levada for setting the actual research task and helping to create the design of the experiment.

26-31 May, 2019
From 26th to 31st of May 2019 members of Laboratory of novel magnetic materials have been taken part in 10th International Conference on Fine Particle Magnetism (conference website), Gijon, Spain.
Dr. Valeria Rodionova had invited talk titled “Control of magneto-static and -dynamic properties by stress tuning in Fe-Si-B amorphous microwires”.
Alexander Omelyanchik, PhD student of lnmm, participated in the poster session with the poster “Magnetocrystalline and surface anisotropy in CoFe2O4 nanoparticles dispersed in silica matrix“.
Also in the conference held a competition “Inspiring Women in Science” in which the poster from the LNMM won.
We thanks 5 top 100 project in framework Russian Academic Excellence Project at the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University for support.

28 April - 8 June, 2019
During the May-June 2019, V. Belyaev visited the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems in Stuttgart and University of Münster in order to perform works included in mobility grant supported by German-Russian Interdisciplinary Science Center (G-RISC).
Under the supervision of Dr. Joachim Gräfe, local magnetic properties of magnetoplasmonic crystals were studied with NanoMOKE 3 magnetometer and the obtained data was used as a foundation of the joint article «Tuning the magnetic properties of permalloy-based magnetoplasmoniс crystal for sensor applications», Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 59, pp. SEEA04, 2020.
In University of Münster V.Belyaev completed the fabrication and characterisation of diffraction gratings made by electron-beam lithography under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Rudolf Bratschitsch.

Spin-coating machine in a clear room that was used for covering the subsrtates with PMMA layer. Magnetron sputtering machine in Centech is the same that will be used in LNMM (IKBFU) to continue the work on this project.
23 April, 2019
Dear Colleagues,
The abstract submission to IBCM2019 is still open till the 30th of April!
The student grants application is open till the 30th of April. More information can be found by the link. We thank IEEE Magnetic society for this great possibility.
We are happy to announce the 8th International Workshop on Magnetic Wires which will be conducted within IBCM 2019: August 21-22, 2019. This event has a great history: previous seven International Workshops on Magnetic Wires have been organized in the following locations: London, UK 1990; Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA 1994; Nagoya, Japan 1999; San Sebastian, Spain 2001; Zumaia, Spain 2008 and Bodrum, Turkey, 2010; Ordizia, Basque country, Spain 2015. And we are glad to be followers of this Workshop!
Workshop fee will be canceled for the IBCM2019 participants!
All details can be found here:
Also, we want to kindly remind that 15th of May is the day of acceptance abstracts notification. Booking opportunity will be available after the abstract evaluation process after the 15th of May but not later than 1st of July 2019.
In the hotels announced on the website we can offer a limited number of rooms, so we recommend making reservations in advance.
We look forward to meeting you at our Conference and Workshop!
Sincerely yours,
IBCM2019 Organizers
8-12 April, 2019
The International scientific conference of students and young scientists “Lomonosov” ( held on April 8-12, at Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia.
Students of LNMM laboratory presented results of their scientific work in the sections of “Physics of Magnetism” and “Biophysics”. The PhD-student Stanislav Pshenichnicov gave a presentation on the effect of various strength static magnetic field on human peripheral blood mononuclear and T-lymphoblasts Jurkat cells viability. The master student Natalia Perova gave a presentation on permalloy-based magnetoplasmonic crystal as a highly sensitive magnetic field sensor. Dmitriy Murzin gave a presentation on the dependence of SPPs assisted TMOKE enhancement on permalloy MPlCs parameters. The student Valeria Kolesnikova gave a presentation on FORC-analysis fo Fe-based microwires. Valeria’s report was recognized as the best scientific report in the second subsection. Stanislav’s and Dmitriy’s scientific works have been recommended for publication.

Valeria Kolesnikova:
“I am taking part in this conference for the second year and I’m very glad to have this opportunity. My report won in the subsection and it encourages me to work harder. “
The participation of LNMM students in the conference was supported by the Institute of Physical and Mathematical Sciences and Information Technologies of IKBFU (
Congratulations to our students on their successful oral presentations!🎉🎉🎉

12 March, 2019
Member of LNMM, Alexander Omelyanchik is one of Outstanding Reviewer Award winners for 2018, in recognition of the high quality and timeliness of reviews for Nanotechnology journal. The list of winners.

22 January, 2019
Dr. Valeria Rodionova was invited to serve as an Advisory Editorial Board member for the Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. The Board consists of distinguished members of the magnetism community. This is an honor for LNMM team to be in this list! Please, find all information about here: https://www.journals.